This is a demo page for Qubely. Qubely is a block collection for the Gutenberg editor. It comes with 27 new blocks that you can insert and rearrange without getting messy with the code.
This demo page was created for our review of Gutenberg block plugins. The original article can be found here.
Gutenberg — now called the Block Editor — lets WordPress users choose from a library of different content blocks instead of being limited to a single WYSIWYG editor. More and more block plugins are being introduced, so we reviewed some popular block libraries.
This page was built using Qubely. Using only blocks provided by Qubely, we tried to match this mockup as closely as possible. Qubely comes with 27 blocks:
- Row
- Button
- Testimonial
- Heading
- Counter
- Tabs
- Accordion/Toggle
- Advanced Text
- Video Popup
- Google Map
- Progress Bar
- Social Icons
- Button Group
- Button
- Info Box
- Advanced List
- Contact Form
- Icon List
- Pricing
- Team
- Image
- Timeline
- Post Grid
- Icon
- Divider
- Block Wrapper
- Pie Progress
More Library-Specific Blocks Go Here
Not all block libraries carry the same blocks. Here are some interesting blocks provided by Qubely.